Snohomish Sports Dome Management and its employees are committed to making the facility a welcoming place for kids and adults of all ages to compete.    We expect anyone who enters our facility to be respectful not only to the facility grounds, but more importantly, to each other.   We will not tolerate ANY verbal or physical fighting, whether you are a player or spectator.  No outside alcohol is allowed.

For safety reasons, you must be 16 years of age to play in the adult divisions. Anyone under the age of 18 that is participating in a sporting activity, must have a parent sign the SSD waiver form prior to play. All participants, whether in league play or private rental, accept and assume all risk and responsibility for all losses, costs and damages. Waiver


Cards will be issued at the discretion of the referee(s).   Cards may be issued to players, coaches, parents, and fans.

Blue Card

If you are given a blue card by the referee, you will be required to sit out for 2 minutes.  Your team will play down a player for the 2-minute suspension. If a goal is scored on a team that is a player down, the 2 minute penalty is void and the team can now play at full strength. In tournaments, a blue card is a worth one-point deduction from the team’s final standings if tiebreaker rules are in play.  If a player spits on the field or sidelines, they will receive an automatic blue card.

Yellow Card

If a player is given a yellow card by the referee, that player will be required to sit out for 5 minutes.  The team does not have to play down a player for the 5-minute suspension. In tournaments, a yellow card is a worth two-point deduction from the team’s final standings if tiebreaker rules are in play.

Red Card

If a players is given a red card by the referee, that player will be suspended for the remaining match and will not be able to play the following match.   If it is the last game of the session, the player will sit out the first game of the next session.  The player will be required to leave the players’ box.  The player may remain in the facility, but should poor behavior continue, the player will be asked to leave. In tournaments, a red card is a worth five-point deduction from the team’s final standings if tiebreaker rules are in play.

***If a player receives two red cards in a 6 month period (or 2 sessions) or an accumulation of 4 yellow cards, the player will serve a year suspension.  

***If player receives an accumulation of 8 blue cards in a 6 month period (or 2 sessions) the player will serve a 6 month suspension.

NOTE:  If a player plays on multiple teams or in multiple divisions, the issued penalties are counted as one, not separate for each team.

Family/Friend spectators

If there is a spectator who is verbally harassing players/bench during a game, the spectator can also be disciplined.   The spectator will be given a warning.   If the spectator continues their behavior, their “team” will be issued a blue card.  If the spectator still continues after the initial warning and blue card, their “team” will be issued a yellow card and the spectator will need to leave the facility.

If there is ongoing misconduct by a team, their fans or parents, this may result in removal of the team from the league and there will be no refund given.



  • Players must wear either indoor shoes, flat bottom shoes or sneakers.   Cleats are NOT allowed. 

  • Teams must have a LIGHT and DARK colored uniform in case of jersey conflicts. Home team changes if there is a conflict. All players on a team MUST be wearing the same color. The goalkeeper must wear colors that distinguish them from all other players.

  • A player may not wear jewelry that is dangerous to themselves or other players.  This may be at the discretion of the referee. No hats.

  • Each game is 2-23 minute halves unless it is a tournament.

  • Win - 3 points; Tie - 1 point; Loss - 0 points. Championship games - top 2 teams in the league based on total points; Tie breaker will be 1 - goal differential; 2 - goals for; 3 - goals against.

  • Each team will consist of 6 players, one of which will be the goalkeeper.  For coed leagues, there must be a total of 3 women and 2 men on the field at all times, regardless of the gender of the goalkeeper.  If the keeper is a female, a team would have 4 women on the field (and still two men).

  • Substitutions are unlimited, but the player coming off the field MUST be touching the wall before the sub-player may enter.   If a team has too many players on the field, the ref will issue the team a warning and continued behavior will result in a blue card penalty.

  • Red line/3 line violation is when the ball travels in the air across the 3 lines (2 red and center line) without being touched by either player.  If the ball is cleared by a defensive player behind the redline and directly into the side net or roof, it is a defensive clearance. The ball will be placed on the red line. If the ball hits the roof, it goes to the nearest red line of the kick.

  • Goalkeepers are NOT allowed to pick up the ball with their hands from a foot pass back from one of their players or dribble in and pick up.  If they do, this will result in a direct free kick from the penalty spot.   The goalkeeper must release the ball within 5 seconds of obtaining it or it will be considered a handball.   If a player passes the ball back to the goalkeeper’s feet, there is no time limit for release.

  • If a goalkeeper commits any dangerous foul or is involved in any misconduct, which results in a blue card, the goalkeeper must serve the penalty, otherwise, the penalty will be served by a field player.

  •  Any foul in the goalkeeper's penalty box will result in a penalty kick. If a penalty kick is awarded, the ball will be placed at the top of the penalty spot.  No wall will be allowed.  

  • If a team has been awarded a free kick or there is a dead ball situation (hitting nets), the player has 5 seconds to get the ball into play.  If the player exceeds the 5 seconds, the ball will be turned over to the other team. The opposing team will get a warning to back up 5 yards from the spot of the foul. If the opposing team doesn’t move in an appropriate timeframe, the ref will use discretion to give a blue card. The ball will be restarted on the whistle. If the offensive kicks the ball off a player who is moving back as instructed, it is NOT a blue card for that player. All free kicks and kickoffs are direct.

  • If a team is winning by more than 4 goals, the losing team may add an additional player of either gender.   The player must exit the field immediately should a goal be scored. This rule does not apply for tournament play OR in a Championship game.

  •  In order to protect players, macho rule WILL BE in effect for youth coed games.

  • Slide tackling will NOT be allowed. Slide tackling will result in a direct free kick for the opposing team. If you are on the ground, you cannot play the ball. One foot must stay on the ground, aka no bicycle kicks or flying ninjas.

  •  A player can only be on one roster in the same division. If your team does not have a sub, you may pick up ONE player from another team. If the other team allows additional subs, please let the ref know.

  • If a player is deemed to be intoxicated, the player will not be allowed to play in the game. Players are not allowed to drink during their games.

  • If a player is hurt, the clock will be stopped.

  • Teams in the Championship game are only allowed to play with players that are rostered and have played with that team in prior games. A team may NOT bring in extra players for the Championship game.

  • Players must be on the team roster, signed the team roster and waiver to play. For safety reasons, you must be 18 years of age to play in the adult Men’s Division. You must be 16 and play competitive club soccer to play in Coed League.

  • Verbal abuse of the referees, or any player, will not be tolerated and may result in a card or ejection


    Referees have the right to stop or end a game, at any time, if there is ongoing misconduct by players. Based on the incidents and time remaining in the game, it will be up to the discretion of SSD staff if the game result will be will be a tie, loss or double forfeit. Additional sanctions may apply, which would include a player OR a team not being allowed to play the remaining games of the session or in the future. This also applies to team fans.


Los árbitros tienen el derecho de detener o terminar un juego, en cualquier momento, si hay mala conducta continua por parte de los jugadores. Según los incidentes y el tiempo restante en el juego, dependerá de la discreción del personal de SSD si el resultado del juego será un empate, una derrota o una doble pérdida. Pueden aplicarse sanciones adicionales, que incluirían a un jugador O un equipo al que no se le permite jugar los juegos restantes de la sesión o en el futuro. Esto también se aplica a los fanáticos del equipo.


  •  If a team does not show for a game or does not have enough players to field a team (5 minimum), it will be considered a forfeit.  The opposing team will be awarded a 3-0 win. If less than 72 hours before game time, there will be a $25 forfeit fee.

  •  If a team plays with an ineligible player due to age or gender, the opposing team will be awarded a 3-0 forfeit.

  •  If your team is not able to play, please contact SSD within 72 hours before your scheduled time, we will make every attempt to reschedule that game.

  • Teams must be paid in full by their second game or their next game will be a 3-0 forfeit.  


If your team is caught violating these rules, you will be given ONE warning. The second incident will result in a game forfeit. The third incident will result in forfeiting the remaining games of the session. You will NOT be refunded the league fee. A decision will be made by SSD Staff if your team is allowed to return for the next session.

The team manager is responsible for making sure their players and fans are aware of these consequences. Parents are responsible for supervising their children. There is to be no playing on the stairs, climbing on walls or damaging property. Parents/team will responsible for any repairs to the dome or replacement of any equipment.

If a rental party/players spit on the field or anywhere in the facility, or damage the property, the party is responsible for paying for repairs and will not be allowed to rent again.


A team must be paid IN FULL, prior to the start of their second game.   If a team is not paid in full, then the team will not be allowed to play. It will be considered a forfeit. Any forfeits will be a $25 charge.

If a team would like to protest a game, they must contact management IMMEDIATELY after the game.  The management will review the protest and any decision will be final.


If you have entered your team in the league or a tournament and cancel less than 72 hours before the start of play, you will be refunded 50%

Estrictamente Prohibido traer alcohol de afuera a las facilidades de soccer dome por ningún jugador o fanático. Debes tener 21 años para consumir alcohol. Si su equipo es sorprendido violando estas reglas, se le dará UNA advertencia. El segundo incidente resultará en la pérdida del juego. El tercer incidente resultará en la pérdida de los juegos restantes de la sesión. NO se le reembolsará la tarifa de la liga. El personal de SSD tomará una decisión si su equipo puede regresar para la próxima sesión. El director del equipo es responsable de asegurarse de que sus jugadores y aficionados estén al tanto de estos archivos y sus consecuencias.


  • Tournaments will consist of 2 - 13 minute halves

  • Five players on the field, plus a keeper. (Coed-If goalie is female, then 4w/2m on field)

  • Indoor shoes only (no cleats)

  • Shin Guards are optional

  • Maximum roster size of 12

  • Waivers/Rosters must be completed prior to first game

  • Teams must wear same color and bring alternate

  • Home team changes if color conflict

  • For tournaments, an additional player will not be added if a team is up by 4 goals.